Welcome to my blog. I am going to be posting my thoughts on the CTS DECON Industry. I am going to tell you what I think and I want to hear what you have to say about it. Lets get started.
We all know that there are many health hazards related to our industry and we are trained to protect our selves from this. What about the person that is going thru a crime or trauma situation and is trying to clean up the area themselves.You know what I mean, steam cleaning carpet when it should be removed ( they do not know about the padding holding the blood / body fluids in it, not until the smell developes and the bacteria takes over). You see what I am talking about? How about the home owner that has no idea that their insurance may pay for a professional biorecovery company to take care of the situation. How about the business owners that may have an accident or criminal activite take place. Do they think about the disease or bacteria that is in the blood that their employee is cleaning up. Did the employee know what they were being exposed to? Ever have a car stolen? Ever think about what may have happened inside your car? Drug needles? Smoking Meth?Unprotected sex? How about acts of violence?Finger print powder all over everthing. What about the victims? Do they know about the crime victims program that will help with clean up expenses, counseling,medical expenses and much more? This is what I am talking about. Lets educate everyone. These are some of the subjects that I will be posting. Tell me what you think. If you are not familular with the CTS DECON industry visit one of these sites for more information. www.crimeandtraumascenecleanup.com http://www.crimeandtrauma.com